"Two Interviews", Fantasy, EP, 1955. (This contains the two tracks by Henry Jacobs & Woody Leafer, also on Interviews Of Our Times. Not a Lenny record but included here because people sometimes ask if it's Lenny. It isn't.)
Tracklist: Interview with Dr. Sholem Stein, Shorty Petterstein Interview

"Interviews of our times", Fantasy 7001, United Artists UAL 29076 [England], 1958
Tracklist: The Interview, Djinni in the Candy Store, Enchanting Transylvania, Interview with Dr. Sholem Stein, The March of High Fidelity, Maria Ouspenskaya Interview, Father Flotsky's Triumph, All Broadway Musicals Sound The Same Especially The Baritones, Shorty Petterstein Interview
"My Werewolf Mama/I Don't Make Money", Fantasy 542, unreleased red vinyl white label promo, 1958/59
"Psychopathia Sexualis", single, 1959

"The Sick Humor Of Lenny Bruce", Fantasy 7003, Demon Verbals VERB 2 [England], 1959
Tracklist: Non Skeddo Flies Again, The Kid in the Well, Adolph Hitler & the MCA, Ike Sherm & Nick, Psychopathia Sexualis, Religions Inc.

"I am not a nut, elect me!", Fantasy 7007, 1960
Tracklist: White Collar Drunks, The Defiant Ones (with Eric Miller), The Phone Company, The Steve Allen Show, Esther Costello Story, Bronchitis, My Trip To Miami, The Tribunal, The Palladium, Our Governors

"Lenny Bruce-American", Fantasy 7011, 1961
Tracklist: Lima, Ohio, Airplane Glue, Shelley Berman/Chicago/Nightclub Owners, How To Relax Your Colored Friends At Parties (with Eric Miller), The Lost Boy, Marriage Divorce & Motels, Don's Big Dago, Three Message Movies (Narcotics, Truth, Tolerance), Commercials, Father Flotsky's Triumph (unexpurgated)

"The Best Of Lenny Bruce", Fantasy 7012, 1962.

"Recording Submitted in Evidence In The San Fransisco Obscenity Trial, March 1962", Lenny Bruce Records, LB 9001/9002, 10" disc. July/August 1964
(San Fransisco Jazz Workshop, 4.10.61)
Tracklist: A Pretty Bizarre Show, Dirty Toilet, C.E. Hoxie, To Come

"Lenny Bruce Is Out Again", Lenny Bruce Records, LB 3001/3002, 1964
(live recordings from 1958-63)
Tracklist: They're Moving In, Guess What I Got Manny, Come On Down, Neck To Neck, Waving The Flag, A Welk by any other name, Fat Boy, A Violation is a Moving Thing, Jewish Husbands, The Hang Up, Don't Paint God/Thank You Masked Man, Nay Nays, A Man's Man, I Tried it Once It Just Gave Me A Headache
"Lenny Bruce Is Out Again", Philles, PHLP-4010, 1966 (live recording, probably from Feb'66.)
(Totally different content to the Lenny Bruce Records version)
Tracklist: Craphouse, Obscenity, The Law, Marijuana, Midgets, Guys Exposing Themselves, Dating Advice, Guys Don't Cheat on Girls, Get Even, Thank You Masked Man, Orphan Annie

"The Berkeley Concert", Bizarre ZXS 6329, Transatlantic TRA 195 [England], Enigma Retro/Bizarre 73395-2 [CD],
Bizarre/Straight RZ 70355 [CD], Demon Verbals VERBCD 7 [England, CD], 1969,
"The Legendary Berkeley Concert", The Comedy Club GAGMC010 [Cassette]
(Berkeley Community Theatre, 12.12.65)
Tracklist: Craphouse, The Law, Marijuana, Lyndon Johnson, Ruby, Obscenity, Guys Exposing Themselves, Midgets, How The Negro & Jew Got Into Show Business, Postman, Mark Eden, Dating Advice, Guys Don't Cheat On Girls, Get Even, Deny It, Ralph Gleason, Alaska
"Why Did Lenny Bruce Die", Capitol KAO 2630, 1966

"Lenny Bruce", United Artists, UAL-3580, 1967
"Carnegie Hall", United Artists, UAS-9800, 1972
"The Midnight Concert", United Artists, UAS-6794, 1970's
"Lenny Bruce In Concert", Demon Verbals, VERB 5, 1986
(New York, Carnegie Hall, 4.2.61)
Tracklist: Introduction - Don Friedman, Miracle on 5th Street, The Airlines, Sound, The Kidnap, Point of View, Ku Klux Klan, A What's It Mean, Kennedy Acceptance Speech, On Humor, Nightclubs, Dykes & Faggots, Girl Singing, The Flag & Communism, Dear Abby, Las Vegas Tits & Ass, The Clap, Christ & Moses, Equality, Internal Revenue, Pills, Burlesque House, Judge Saperstein Decision, On Contemporaries, Shelley Berman, The Operation, The Joke, The End

"The Essential Lenny Bruce:Politics", Douglas, SD 788, 1969
(A mishmash of Lenny's political stuff, mixed with sound effects.)
Tracklist: Johnson, Nixon, The Competitive System & Communism, The American Image, Black Democracy & Liberals, Would You Sell Out Your Country?, Law Enforcement, The Bomb, Pot Will Be Legal

"To is a preposition, come is a verb", Douglas 2, 1970 / "What I Was Arrested For", Douglas 2, KZ 30872, 1971 [Canada-Columbia KZ 30872, 1971] / "The Story of Lenny-What I Was Arrested For", Casablanca NBLP 7013, 1975
(Clips of Jazz Workshop and other shows)
Tracklist: I Just Do It & That's All, To Come, Hubert's Museum, The Perverse Act, Tits & Ass, Completely Exposed, A Pretty Bizarre Show, Blah Blah Blah, Dirty Toilet, Would You Sell Out Your Country, A White White Woman & A Black Black Woman

"Live at the Curran Theater", Fantasy, 34201, 1971 (also as "The Legendary Lenny Bruce", Murray Hill, M52952, 1970's)
(San Fransisco, Curran Theatre, 19.11.61)
Tracklist: Critics, Definitions, San Fransisco Bust, Courts, Juries, Cops, Philadelphia Bust, Corruption, Obscenity, Jewish & Gosishe, The Lie, Courtroom Fantasy, George Shearing & Guide Dogs for the Blind, Tropic of Cancer, Cops & Bad Toilet Training, Philadelphia Hotel Room raid & ride to jail, Jails & the Philadelphia Lower courts, Shirley Beck letters, Blue Suits, Bobby Kennedy, Russians, Integration, Juries, Humor, Fantasy with the Judge, Las Vegas, Paradox of obscenity, Tits & Ass, Nuns, Paul Robeson, Adolph Eichmann, Christ & Moses, Legalisation of pot, Hillbillies, Judy Garlands farewell

"Thank You Masked Man", Fantasy 7017, Fantasy FAC 7017 [South Africa], 1972
(A collection of live tracks from 1958-63, released for the first time on this LP.)
Tracklist: The Sound, Tarzan, Thank You Masked Man, Tokyo Rose, Fat Boy, The Comics, Heshie The Monster, Captain Whackencracker

"Here's Johnny : Magic Moments from The Tonight Show", Casablanca SPNB 1296, American Forces Radio & Television Service RL 3-5, 1974
(Includes "The Discovery"[Airplane Glue] from Steve Allen Show, 5.4.59)

"The Law, Language & Lenny Bruce", Warner Bros. SP 9101, Phil Spector 2307 001 SUPER [England], 1974
(Live recording, probably all from the same show, early 1965)
Tracklist: The Law, Tits & Ass, Ballbreakers, Chicken, Language, Ruby, Get Even, Religion, How the Negro & Jew got into Show Business, Crime & Punishment, Goering was a Transvestite, Eichmann

"The Real Lenny Bruce", Fantasy, F-79003, 1975. Two Record "best-of" compilation.
"Arthur Godfrey & His Talent Scouts", Radiola, MR-1084, 1978

"The Lenny Bruce Originals" Vol 1 & 2, Fantasy FCD 60 023/024
(Two CD's containing the 4 original Lenny albums), 1991

"Live! Busted!", [CD] Vipers Nest Records, VN-CD-178, 1995
(Chicago Gate Of Horn, 4.12.62)
Tracklist: Intro, King Kong Routine, Paul Molloy & Christianity, Entrapment by Cops, Sex is Dirty?, Imprisonment, War Criminals, Infidelity, How to relax colored people, Talks to lady in audience, Jewish Theater, Christ & Moses, The Milwaukee Gig, Cops, Flashlights & Bottles, Who's a fag, Drugs, The Bust

"Let The Buyer Beware", 6 cd box set, SHOUT! FACTORY, 1D6K37109, released: 14 Sept 2004
Tracklist: DISC 1: Are There Any N...... Here Tonight?, The Clap, Lenny On Comedy Pt. 1, On Third Shows, Father Flotsky’s Triumph, Lima, Ohio, Introduction To "The Palladium"/Annie Ross/What Was I Talking About?, The Palladium, Explanation Of Frank Dell And Bullets, Censorship On The Steve Allen Show, Taking Requests/Hip Diseases, The Lawrence Welk Story, How To Relax Your Colored Friends At Parties (with Eric Miller), Gotta Split, Lenny On Playboy’s Penthouse (with Hugh Hefner & Nat "King" Cole)
DISC 2: Testing The Sony Microphone, Lenny On Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts (with Arthur Godfrey & Sally Marr), Critics/Club Owners, Monster Routine With Hecklers, I’ve Never Been In Love Before, Religions, Inc., Lenny Interview (with Studs Terkel), Airplane Glue, The Phone Company, My Trip To Miami, Psycho Doctors/Faye Bainter/Jack Paar, Ike, Sherm & Nick, Non Skeddo Flies Again
DISC 3: Working Carnegie Hall, Point Of View, Christ And Moses, Spanish Harlem, The Joke, Pretty Bizarre Show, Dirty Toilet/Bad Early Toilet Training, If Your Body Is Dirty, The Fault Lies With The Manufacturer, What Should Be/What Is, C.E. Hocksey Letters/My Father Solomon Osterow, To Is A Preposition; Come Is A Verb, Blah Blah Blah, Dick Tracy Is An Orthodox Jew, Milton Berle/Dykes/Homosexuality, Cops/Where The Heat Are, Going To Court/Wear A Blue Suit, S.F. Gossip/Jewish & Goyish/Cat Downstairs Taping Show, The Phantom, Would You Want Your Sister To Marry One Of Them?, Chick Singer With A Gimmick, Billy Graham Is Not Qualified, Touch It Once, The Black Cat/Get Stuffed/Why Did You Lie To Me?, Closing/Will Rogers Quote, Lawrence Welk The Hipster, Hubert’s Museum
DISC 4: I Just Do It And That’s All, Ruby The Robot, Mort Sahl, Shelley Berman, Jack Parr, Joey Bishop & Phyllis Diller/ The Reason I Wear The Coat, Why The Breakfast Show, The Meaning Of Obscenity Pt. 1/Drew Pearson’s A Son Of A Bitch, Norman Rockwell/The Jazz Scene, The Word Or The Act/We Fucked Their Mothers For Chocolate Bars, Jimmy Hoffa/Castro & Cuba, Thank You Mask Man, Dangerous Drugs/Marijuana, Jews Killed Christ, Marilyn Monroe/Narcotics Vs. Juice, You Don’t Remember Me, Do You?/You’re So Classic... Smoking A Cigar, Kennedys/Jonathan Winters, W.C. Fields The Anti-Semite/Hookers On Record, The Meaning Of Obscenity Pt. 2, San Francisco Bust/Judge Entrapment, The Act Is KissinE& HugginE Las Vegas Pt. 1/Johnny Mathis, I’ll Show You How Prejudiced You Are, Corrupt Cities/Chicago Schtarkers/Shelley Berman, Audience Banter/Why Doesn’t He Do The Bits On The Records?, Lenny On Comedy Pt. 2, Snot, The Nerve Of Faggots, Hooker That Balled The President, Divorce/Get Even/Stag Movies Vs. King Of Kings, Norman, Thomas/Filipinos/Midgets, Las Vegas Pt. 2/Pearl Bailey, Australia, Bela Lugosi & Wallace Beery/Entrancing Transylvania/Herb Caen, The Warning (With Long Island Police Officer)
DISC 5: The Best Man In The Tribe, The Tribunal, Schmuck, Reading The Court Transcript, Pissing In The Sink, Jewish & Goyish, Philly Bust/Judge Axelrod, Tits And Ass, Never Cop Out, Jackie Kennedy Hauls Ass/Selling Out Your Country (A.K.A. Hot Lead Enema, Dick Gregory, Census Takers, Barry Goldwater/The Truth About Men/Doing It To A Chicken, LBJ, Toilets/Flashers/Mark Eden Bust Developer, How The Law Got Started (Eat, Sleep & Crap), Playing Milwaukee, Marijuana/Flashers/Confusion/Bust In The Audience, Lenny Gets Busted Onstage & Audience Gets ID’d
DISC 6: All Alone, The Heroin Bust, Juror Phone Calls Re: The Heroin Bust, Zeidler & Zeidler Commercials (with Honey & Kitty), Eleanor Roosevelt Had Nice Tits, Religions, Inc., Phone Call Reading A Letter, Christ & Moses, Phone Call To Harry Kalvin, Describing The Fillmore West/Yorty & L.A., Southern Accents, Art And A Big Piece Of Shit (With Anonymous Friend), I Picked On The Wrong God, My Name Is Adolf Eichmann

"Lenny Bruce Live Performance", 1966, 58 minutes. A complete live show filmed at San Fransisco's Basin Street West in Aug'65. Also with the video comes the animated short "Thank You Mask Man"(sic), 8 minutes.
Tracklist: Craphouse, New York Trial, Tits & Ass, Would You Sell Out Your Country, Jackie Kennedy Hauling Ass, Don't Paint God, Ruby, Guys Don't Cheat On Girls, The Perverse Act, Guys Exposing Themselves, Art Critics, Shelley Berman, Barney, Father Flotski's Triumph, How The Negro & Jew Got Into Show Business, To Come, Deny It
"Dirtymouth", 1970. Low budget bio on Lenny. Release legally blocked.

"Lenny Bruce Without Tears", 1972, 72 minutes. Includes both Steve Allen shows, TV Pilot show, Canadian TV interview, and clips from the Performance film.

"Lenny", 1974, 107 minutes. Stars Dustin Hoffman as Lenny.
"A Toast To Lenny", 1984, 58 minutes. Hosted by Steve Allen. Various comedians of the day toast Lenny, and includes short clips of Playboy's Penthouse & Broadway Open House.
"But...Seriously", 1993, 82 minutes. Includes a 30 sec clip of Lenny on Playboy's Penthouse, a clip from Lenny Bruce Performance film and a very short clip from Steve Allen Show.
"Swear To Tell The Truth", Whyaduck Productions, 1998, 94 minutes. Produced by Robert B. Weide, Narrated by Robert DeNiro.

"How to talk dirty and influence people" by Lenny Bruce (Playboy Press, 1965) Lenny's autobiography. Originally appeared in serial form in Playboy Magazine.

"The Essential Lenny Bruce" edited by John Cohen (Ballantine, 1970) (transcripts of Lenny's routines, including some that haven't yet been released as audio)

"Ladies and Gentlemen LENNY BRUCE!!" by Albert Goldman from the journalism of Lawrence Schiller (Ballantine Books, 1974)

"Lenny Bruce" by Frank Kofsky (Monad Press, New York, 1974)

"Lenny, Janis and Jimi" by Gary Carey (Pocket Books[Simon & Schuster], 1975)

"Honey" by Honey Bruce with Dana Benenson (Playboy Press, 1976)

"The Unpublished Lenny Bruce" from the private collection of Kitty Bruce (Running Press, 1984) Contains interviews, magazine articles, show transcripts, and a reproduction of the booklet "Stamp Help Out"

"Lenny Bruce. The Making Of A Prophet" by William Karl Thomas (Archon Books, 1989)

"The Trials Of Lenny Bruce" by Ronald Collins and David Skover (Sourcebooks, 2002)